Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Where we are at in 2010

Welcome to 2010!!!

Hopefully its the year of the Green Traveller!!!

So here we are in the final stretch. I'm getting many questions about where Marc and I are in terms of the Green Traveller, so I thought I'd give an update here in the blog.

Its been understandably a long process. The first major obstacle in post-production has been overcome. Marc was saddled with logging and rendering the tape, which proved to be a massive undertaking. After months of hardwork, he did it, and the footage is now edittable.

Since then, Marc has been busy polishing up a "trailer" of sorts. We hoped to have this done by Christmas, but we are waiting on some graphics that are literally in the mail. Once Marc gets his hands on them, then I imagine the trailer would take mere days. This is super exciting because we'll be able to load it on Facebook, so you guys can get a taste of what we've been up to. It also gives me something to show our potential suitors.

We had been working on a website over the summer. It's safe to say that did not go well. Now Maestro Marc is putting his golden touch on the task, and we hope to have it up soon. I've been creating HTML documents, which he plans to insert. Once its ready, we'll have it up with the trailer, which we hope equates to hits-galore.

The goal is to have a five-hour build done this month. Essentially what that is, is a paring down of the 70 hour of footage that we have to just five hours. It's a huge job, but this is Marc's specialty. I'll then take that footage and start honing down the script. So the meat and potatoes of the whole process begins. It's something I've both delighted in, and dreaded. We'll see how that goes.

In the meantime, we've also been busy looking for music to go along with our project. We've found some, and are still looking.

I've received word that one of our supporters has taken on a HUGE task. We recently spoke with editor Shannon Hurst about the special project taken on by "Spirit of the North" magazine. Not only are they working on the third edition of the magazine. Both Ryan and Shannon have also been putting together a very special Olympic issue. Congrats guys, I know this will be absolutley HUGE. Hard work always pays off, and I know it will for the both of you.

I'll be writing the first of two articles on the Green Traveller trek to Haida Gwaii. You can see that in the Spring edition and the subsequent summer edition. I'm a radio guy, so this is a nice stretch for me.

All in all, it will be a VERY busy next three months. On top of that, i've been getting myself back in game shape.............. again..... Damn you fast food!!! Damn you to HECK!!!

On a side note... kali (my baby) is doing well, as is my wife. 2010 should be one heck of a year, and I can't wait.

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