Monday, June 22, 2009

Getting in Green Traveller shape

My biggest obstacle when it comes to losing weight? My love for eating out. There is no doubt that If I loved eating at home, I'd probably be about 30 pounds lighter. Surprisingly enough, in my younger years, I was a former competitive boxer. My body fat percentage was likely under 6 percent. In latter years, I was into weightlifting, and built got into the best muscle-shape of my life. After years working out, letting it go, working out, letting it go... this five foot seven guy who was always fit, learned what it was like to not be rail thin skinny. I jumped up for the first time to 180 pounds from 165... then 190... then 196. Well, I fought back, and got back into a routine. Just last year I ran and completed the Vancouver marathon. Well, i guess I thought I needed to have a little bit of a rest. One year after that amazing race, I hit an all time high. 210 pounds. I don't think I look fat. But if you knew me back in the day, I'm pretty sure, it's noticeable.

So as part of preparing for the Green Traveller, I figure I need to drop a few. I've already been hard at work getting healthy. I'm eating better already, thanks to having a newborn, and a tight budget. I'm actually using the body for life program and trying to get to the gym BEFORE work. When I can't, I squeeze it in after work. Every Sunday, I do my "long" run (this week wasn't so long, 4km). I alternate cardio with weights. Today I'm actually doing a lower body workout. Let me say this right now, you may think I might be a gym monkey... but I hate working out. There is no person on this planet who can say honestly, - I love wasting hours in a sweaty place, doing monotonous exercises, knowing full well that eventually it will be all for naught. Working out sucks. That why the higher power invented the I-pod.. or rather got his people to make one.

Anyway, to a better body!!! And the ability to kayak Gwaii Haanas without dropping dead!!!


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